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Peixuan Guo

Peixuan Guo

Peixuan Guo

Sylvan G. Frank Endowed Chair in Pharmaceutics and Drug Delivery


Areas of Expertise

  • RNA Nanobiotechnology for siRNA/drug delivery; structure, function and applications of the RNA-geared phi29 DNA packaging nanomotor; single molecule imaging using Total Internal Reflection Fluoresc...ence (TIRF) Microscopy and Optical Tweezers; single
  • single pore sensing using the connector of phi29 DNA packaging.

Peixuan Guo

Sylvan G. Frank Endowed Chair in Pharmaceutics and Drug Delivery

RNA Nanobiotechnology for siRNA/drug delivery; structure, function and applications of the RNA-geared phi29 DNA packaging nanomotor; single molecule imaging using Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence (TIRF) Microscopy and Optical Tweezers; single pore sensing using the connector of phi29 DNA packaging.